Short-circuitable Pipelines


I’ve been working in a multitenant application where some services need to know what’s the current tenant for each request. It would be possible to identify the tenant in upper layers (controllers) and pass that information all the way down to the services, but that generates a lot of repetitive/polluted code. A natural idea is to think about using Dependency Injection to pass this information around.

Injecting Runtime Data into Services

Immutable data (like connection strings or any other configuration data that is used during app initializatio) are things that certainly need to be injected, and are NOT considered runtime data.

Runtime data is information that may change across requests, like current logged user, or current tenant (organization).

Using dependency-injection to inject runtime data into your services is a common but controversial practice. The argument in favor of injecting runtime info is that it can improve code readability/maintenance by avoiding having to add a parameter all the way up the chain (in all direct and indirect consumers).

This is an example of how we can inject runtime data into our services:

// Registration
services.AddTransient<ClaimsPrincipal>(s =>

// Usage
public class MyService
    public MyService(ClaimsPrincipal user)
        // now you have user.Identity.Name;

In the example aboveClaimsPrincipal is calculated by ASP.NET Identity middleware (it’s a cheap call based solely on cookies) and it’s saved into HttpContext.User. So whoever calls this service can just invoke it without having to pass the current logged user.

Using the same idea it would be possible to add to the pipeline a middleware to resolve the current tenant and make it available in HttpContext:

app.Use(async (context, next) =>
    var context = context.RequestServices
    var tenant = await ResolveTenantAsync(context);
    context.Items["Tenant"] = tenant;
    await next.Invoke();

// Registration
services.AddTransient<ITenantContext>(s =>
    (ITenantContext) s.GetService<IHttpContextAccessor>().HttpContext.Items["Tenant"]);

The first problem here is that this approach forces all requests in the pipeline to resolve a Tenant (which might be expensive), so unless you really need it in all requests (or unless you can decide based on the request if you need it) then I think it’s a better idea to just rely on DI and let the container resolve your tenant only when required (and cache it), instead of resolving in the request pipeline.

The other problem here is that your runtime data have a short lifetime and you don’t want to inject that by mistake into objects with a longer lifetime (like singletons). In other words, if MyService is a singleton then it would be storing internally the identity of the user making the first request, and all subsequent requests (from other users) would be associated to the wrong user, so you will have to correctly (re)define the lifetime of your components.

So injecting runtime data is a bad idea?

Many developers believe that you should not inject runtime data to services. This article explains that components should ideally be stateless, and that runtime data should not contain behavior and should be passed across methods (instead of injected into constructors).

But then the same article explains that passing runtime data across a chain of callers can pollute the code, and shows examples of components that can benefit from having runtime data injected into it (Repository and more specifically Unit of Work).

Injecting runtime data is especially helpful for lower layers (like data-access) because the lowest you go the more layers you would have to modify just to pass repetitive/boilerplate data (all the way up to the layer where the runtime data can be obtained).

To sum we want a solution where we don’t need to pass repetitive runtime data through a bunch of layers but where we don’t have to directly inject transient runtime data as it would affect the lifetime of our components.


Those problems can be solved writing an adapter to resolve your runtime data (e.g. identify your tenant). The lifetime mismatch is now handled in a single place:

public class AspNetTenantAccessor : ITenantAccessor
  private IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
  public AspNetTenantAccessor(IHttpContextAccessor accessor)
    _accessor = accessor;

  // or maybe Task<AppTenant> GetCurrentTenantAsync()
  public AppTenant CurrentTenant
      // resolve (only when required) based on _accessor.HttpContext
      // cache it (per-request) in _acessor.HttpContext.Items["Tenant"]

// Registrations:
builder.Services.TryAddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<ITenantAccessor, AspNetTenantAccessor>();

Now in your service layer you can just inject ITenantAccessor and get the current tenant (or any other runtime data), and we won’t have runtime dependency-resolution problems (we don’t need to test if all different consumers are correctly resolving the current tenant).

You may be wondering: Why can’t you just inject IHttpContextAccessor and get the current tenant directly from HttpContext.Items["Tenant"]? That’s because it would be a leaky abstraction - you don’t want your services to be tightly coupled to this Http abstraction (it would be harder to reuse them from other callers like unit tests).

So is that the “right way” of doing it? What does “Microsoft tells us to do”?

In 2015 David Fowler (from ASP.NET Core team) showed an example of how to Inject ClaimsPrincipal in Service Layer by using an IUserAccessor adapter (exactly like our example above):

public class UserAccessor : IUserAccessor
      private IHttpContextAccessor _accessor;
      public UserAccessor(IHttpContextAccessor accessor)
           _accessor = accessor;
      public ClaimsPrincipal User => _accessor. HttpContext.User;

That example alone might be interpreted as if injecting transient runtime data is just plain wrong, but then more recently in 2021 someone suggested that ClaimsPrincipal should be made available (as injectable) in ASP.NET Core Minimal APIs (avoiding dependence on IHttpContext(Accessor), and the same David Fowler accepted that suggestion and the PR that registers ClaimsPrincipal / HttpRequest / HttpResponse (they are all transient runtime data) - so this is a hint that the “don’t inject runtime info” rule is not set in stone, and might be just a design choice.

Configurable Pipeline

So now I have an ITenantAccessor interface, and I can switch between multiple implementations.

For ASP.NET I could have an accessor that would identify tenants by the hostname, for local (localhost) debugging or for tests I can use a different accessor that would fake my test tenant.

But then there was another requirement: tenants will be usually identified by their hostnames, but in some cases the same hostname will be shared among all tenants and they should be identified by the request path or by some request header or cookie. So I wanted a configurable pipeline where I can eventually add or remove some steps, and more importantly: I don’t need to run all steps - each step may short-circuit the next steps.

The Pipeline Design Pattern is a common design-pattern where we have a Pipeline with a list of steps and they are processed in order, usually one task builds upon the results of the previous task. One nice implementation of this pattern is the ASP.NET Core Request Pipeline, where each step creates (and runs) a Task that receive the next step as input and it can can short-circuit the request (skip the next steps) or it can proceed to the next step in the pipeline. I was familiar with using this request pipeline (e.g. adding middlewares) but I hadn’t had a chance to look how it works internally, so I decided to make something similar, which led me to this StackOveflow answer that led me to the source of Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder.ApplicationBuilder.Build()

Basically this is how it works:

  • Each step in the pipeline is a Task, but they are registered as a factory Func that get the next Task (if any) and create the step Task
  • Since those Func factories always get the next pipeline step (the next Task) each Task can decide to run the next step or skip it (short-circuit).
  • The Build() method starts by creating the Task for the last step, which is a fallback step to check if things went fine or if there is a misconfigured pipeline. Then it goes in reverse order through the previous pipeline steps, chaining each step with the subsequent step. The last Task created in the loop is actually the first step where the pipeline starts, and that’s what’s returned by Build().
  • Tasks from ASP.NET request pipeline don’t return anything and besides the next Task they also get HttpContext as input.
  • In my case I don’t get any input but each step can return a Tenant.

Based on that code I’ve created a quick implementation to resolve tenants using a generic/configurable pipeline:

public class PipelineTenantResolver<TTenant> : ITenantAccessor
    // Steps from my pipeline don't get anything, 
    // and may short-circuit to return a TTenant
    public delegate Task<TTenant> IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate();

    // Steps from ASP.NET pipeline (for comparison) get HttpContext 
    // but don't return anything:
    //public delegate Task RequestDelegate(HttpContext context)

    protected List<Func<IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate,
        IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate>> _steps = new();

    // After Build() we cache pipeline first step
    protected IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate? _built;

    public void Use(Func<IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate,
        IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate> step)
        _built = null;

    protected IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate Build()
        // We start building pipeline with last step
        IPipelineTenantRepositoryDelegate app = () =>
            // If we reach the end of the pipeline then no Tenant was found
            throw new TenantNotFoundException();

            // A non-throwing alternative would be:
            //return Task.FromResult(default(TTenant)!);

        // Then we go back passing the next step to each previous step
        for (var c = _steps.Count - 1; c >= 0; c--)
            app = _steps[c](app);

        _built = app;
        return app;

    public async Task<TTenant?> GetTenantAsync() => await (_built ?? Build()).Invoke();

Sample test:

var pipelineResolver = new PipelineTenantResolver<AppTenant>();

// First step
Task<AppTenant> resolveTenant = Task.FromResult(new AppTenant());
pipelineResolver.Use((next) => {
    if (shouldShortCircuit)
        return () => resolveTenant;
    return next;
// next steps...
//pipelineResolver.Use(next => next); // etc..
// Last step (defined in Build()) will just throw

var tenant = await pipelineResolver.GetTenantAsync();

Finally, in my services registration I register different implementations for ITenantResolver depending on the entry-point (web app, web api, unit tests, etc), and Task<AppTenant> is registered with a factory that depends on ITenantResolver.ResolveAsync():

builder.Services.AddTransient<Task<AppTenant>>(sp => sp.GetRequiredService<ITenantAccessor>().ResolveAsync());

PS: all code above assumes that resolving a tenant is an async call, that’s why I’ve registered a Task<> (if the code wasn’t async it would be even easier). If you want to inject directly the resolved AppTenant (instead of a Task<AppTenant>) that would be a blocking call (not recommended in constructors) and mixing sync with async (not recommended). In Autofac that’s possible (registering a factory that uses async code), I’m not sure if that’s also possible in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection - but anyway - blocking calls during injection/constructors is not recommended so it’s best to inject Task<AppTenant> instead.

It’s been a while since I don’t write anything, so I hope you enjoyed this article.

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